Lion’s Gate Space Center
Your Gateway To The Stars
Embark on thrilling sci-fi adventures in our cutting-edge starship simulators! Every mission is a story all its own with you as the main character! Whether you’re fighting off alien invaders, infiltrating a pirate outpost, or exploring a haunted star system, Lion’s Gate Space Center is your gateway to adventure!
What is a Space Center?
Space Centers use storytelling, and the wonders of space to excite people about the sciences, and what may lie in humanity’s future. The stars of any Space Center are its simulators, interactive sets designed
to look and feel like an actual spaceship!
The Mission Catalog
Every mission is a unique story with you as the main character! Our catalog contains every mission we publicly offer. Read through the catalog and find the story that’s right for you!
The Lion’s Gate Newsletter
Want to read about behind the scenes info, meet the team here at Lion’s Gate? Want to see sneak peaks at the latest in Space Center entertainment? Then take a look at our Lion’s Gate Newsletter!